Yesterday we connected our Wii game system in Arizona to my brother's Wii in Louisiana. We now have yet another way to communicate and connect. We shared Mii's, pictures and messages.
So we can email, text message, voicemail and Wii talk....We can bowl, golf, play baseball, tennis and box all in the convenience of our living rooms.
If we're not careful, we will slowly forget how to communicate and interact face to face. I hope we don't lose the ability to share and express our feelings in person and not use all this technology to hide and mask our true feelings.
Even worst we could easily develop a false sense of superior sporting abilities....last night I bowled a record 185 !!! That never happens in the real world !!
I love modern technology! So much so that I can hardly even remember my parents making me get up to turn the channel on the television set as if they didn't have legs, too. LOL